The Centre de Recherche en Informatique (CRI - EA 1445) at University Paris 1 has a long tradition of teaching, industry collaboration and research in the domains of information systems engineering, requirements engineering, and service systems. It was created in 1986 by Prof. Colette Rolland.
The group is under the direction of Prof. Bénédicte Le Grand (director) et Dr. Rébecca Deneckère (Vice-director). It is composed of 3 professors (plus one emeritus professor), 6 associate professors, 6 external researchers, 1 research engineer, 1 secretary and 21 PhD students. Every year, several foreign researchers spend from 1 week to 12 months with us.
We are also responsible for the Bachelor and Master degrees MIAGE (Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion).
Our group promotes collaboration with industry and technology transfer, e.g. with large companies such as Renault, SNCF, EDF BNP-Paribas, as well as SMEs such as ADN, Exibri, STAGO. Collaboration span from simple consultancy to larger funded research projects. We are also involved in the development of the IREB CPRE professional certification in Requirements Engineering.
Our activity also includes research on an international level with more than 1200 papers published in reviewed conferences and scientific journals, 100 doctoral theses, and more than 25 projects funded by the French ministry of Research and the European Commission.